Reflexology is an alternative complimentary therapy that works on specific reflex pressure points on the feet. By applying pressure on the feet, it helps to stimulate specific areas in the body. By working on the feet it helps the overall body system and energy flow. Reflexology can benefit in different ways depending on what the body requires.
Reflexology can help with the following:
Increase Circulation: Reflexology helps with the improvement of circulation throughout the body. Improving circulation helps to move nutrients, blood and oxygen to vital organs.
Relieves Aches and Pains: Reflexology helps with chronic pain and everyday aches & pains. By working on the specific areas on the feet, it helps to improve the circulation which helps relieve the pain (ie: neck and back).
Relaxation: Reflexology helps the body to relax and put the body into a relaxed state. By helping the body to relax, it helps to reduce stress and tension.
Insomnia: Reflexology helps the body relax, unwind, improve blood circulation and relax the nerves. When this happens, it helps to encourage a restful sleep and help the body return to healthy rhythms.
Increased Nerve Function: Reflexology helps to increase nerve function by working on the nerve endings found in the feet. This helps to increase their functionality and flexibility in many areas around the body.
Reflexology is beneficial for both physical and mental health and is a natural balance for your Mind, Body & Well Being. As you continue receiving reflexology, it continues to help in many other ways:
Helps eliminate toxins
Reduces headaches and migraines
Benefits your immune system
Can help with PMS
Aids poor digestion
Improve energy levels
Book your appointment today for reflexology by calling HealthWalks
Truro 902-893-9675 or New Glasgow 902-755-9675.
Author: Wendy Dooling, Certified Reflexology Therapist, New Glasgow